
Certified Translations, Confidentiality, Fast Turnaround

Frankfurt Legal EstatueOur legal clients require accuracy, speed, confidentiality, and knowledge of a wide range of subjects. Projects can range from French contracts or complex Japanese patents to thousands of pages of Dutch e-mails or depositions in Vietnamese. The CoreText team of legal specialists is familiar with legal systems around the world, and has the technical expertise to handle any subject matter quickly and efficiently.

We can assist you with on-site document review, interpreters in any language anywhere in the world, and bilingual staffing. For full translations (which include translation, editing and proofreading), notarized certificates of accuracy are provided on request. To keep the cost down of large litigation projects, we also offer unedited draft translations for informational purposes only (“FIPO”).

CoreText understands the importance of confidentiality. The details of your transactions are safe with us. Our linguists and project managers are bound by strict confidentiality agreements, and we are also happy to sign your firm’s non-disclosure agreement. If required, we will discard and destroy all original and translated materials upon completion of the project.

We appreciate the need to respond quickly and work efficiently when dealing with important legal matters. With sophisticated tracking systems and linguists based in time zones around the world, CoreText can keep your project moving forward while you sleep. Please inquire about our rush turnaround service when time is of the essence.


Banking, Investment and Insurance Industries

CoreText helps you reach financial markets in far corners of the world, relying on our experienced and trusted translators that will deliver your information according to the highest quality standards. CoreText provides the careful coordination your projects need through its seasoned staff, carefully chosen linguists and typesetters, and a quality protocol that guarantees the precision of our work.

CoreText can handle your quarterly statements, semi-annual and annual reports, fund fact-sheets, prospectuses, research reports, and a wide variety of marketing materials for the financial services industry. The latest translation memory tools allow us to maintain consistent terminology and leverage your existing translations, leading to greater accuracy, faster turnaround times, and cost savings for our customers.

Our expert typesetters are standing by to lay out your documents in any language, using all major page layout applications. Proofreaders ensure that the final product matches the source text from both a linguistic and graphic point of view. Deliverables include high-resolution PDFs, and other print-ready formats. On request we can coordinate the printing of your materials by one of our trusted printing partners.



Expertise for a Dynamic Market

Expertise for a Dynamic Market  Few industries are as dynamic as the healthcare field. CoreText has the necessary expertise to cover the constant changes required to meet the language needs of healthcare providers. From US hospitals and HMOs reaching out to non-English speakers with patient-education brochures and informed consent forms, to manufacturers of pharmaceutical and biotechnology products looking to enter international markets or in need of clinical trial materials in multiple languages, CoreText can rise to the challenge of communicating your message in any language.

CoreText will help you deal effectively with international regulatory affairs, one of the most critical issues when healthcare products need to be developed and marketed internationally. And we will also help you obtain timely approvals, successful marketing campaigns and solid public relations.

Marketing Communications

Creative Specialists to Bridge the Cultural Gap

Creative Specialists to Bridge the Cultural Gap  Translation for marketing purposes must go beyond just merely getting the message right – it has to be culturally relevant as well. CoreText combines precise translation and creative writing with meticulous cultural review to provide you with effective communications across borders.

Our team handles your foreign-language ad campaigns, public relations/corporate communications materials and market research surveys to help you build your global brand.

In addition to translation and cultural analysis, our services include foreign-language typesetting for print and digital media, voice-overs, subtitling, and website localization.